ÅhusTurf Hybrid Grass – Golf Course
ÅhusTurf offers a range of products for your golf course. The selection offers a better quality for your members and guests. At the same time the maintenance time is reduced for the greenkeepers.
Hybrid grass for the golf course is intended to improve and enhance the quality for all playing/green surfaces the club provides. ÅhusTurf Hybrid grass is the products that helps the natural grass to withstand heavy wear as well as facilitate maintenance on the golf course.
BunkerLawn is designed to keep the sand by heavy rain and prevent stones to reach the surface. When there is little sand in the bunker it is still playable.
Dressmat is designed to be careful to the green grass and at the same time efficiently transport the sand to the ground. During dew the drops will be crushed to prevent redewing.
You will find more information about our products under the various use areas.