The Course
A golf course consists of a number of different grass areas which are exposed to a range of challenges. These include the grass outside the kiosk at the 10th hole, the service building, hollows on the fairway, entrance and exit of bridges, or your dropping zones.
On the course there is generally 3 different products being used: CL 1201 Golf is designed for playing golf from. Euro Hybrid and NRT 2202 Walk withstand all traffic from players and club cars. BLB 2001 BunkerLawn prevent wash-outs and stones in the surface. You can also play from the bunker if you are low on sand.
Beyond the before mentioned products and application areas we at ÅhusTurf with our 10 years of experience of hybrid turf have managed to find solutions to more problems that may occur at a golf course.
If you aren’t certain which product to choose, please contact us or our local provider, and we will be delighted to help you.
The Driving Range
The driving range is usually one of the first places members and guests visits at the golf facility.
- Quattro Rangemat, high quality rangemats with double dampening. 2-4 weeks delivery time.
- Euro Hybrid, hybrid turf for all wear areas on the course.
- NRT 3002, hybrid turf for all wear areas on the course.
- CL 1201, hybrid turf that reinforces your grass tee.
- CL 1203/CL 2004, for the target green, same abilities as a regular green without the impact marks.
Greens and the areas around them often influence the players opinion. Morning dew changes the nature of the green. ÅhusTurf Dressmat is constructed of NRT 3002. Its combination of straight and curled piles makes the mat extremely gentle on the natural grass.
- When dew arises, the water drops are split so that reformation is prevented.
- During dressing, the mat distributes the sand evenly over the surface.
Practice Area
The practice area is subjected to a lot of tough wear. With CL 1201 you can create areas from which players can practice from.
The putting green is occasionally used as a chipping green which when many players is using it causes a lot of areas being worn out. CL 1201 can be placed on small areas as chipping areas for the players.
If you have heavy wear on areas to and from the putting green you can put NRT 3002/Euro Hybrid on the areas you want to be naturally green all year around.
Winter Golf
During the winter months many courses offers the availability to play for as long as possible. ÅhusTurf provides different products to keep the course open for longer without destroying the course. With our Fairwaymat Solid you avoid the bits of turf that do not recover even though they are put back.
ÅhusTurf Hybrid grass CL 2802 can be put on your tees to conserve them. With its strong backside and customised hole size it protects the grass while still making it able to tee the ball. The area beneath recovers in approximately 6 weeks after the winter.